If you have gone on the internet recently, I am sure that you have probably seen a handful of posts about the Enneagram. Maybe you found yourself wondering if this personality test is really worth all the hype? As a certified Enneagram Coach, I am a little biased. However, I truly do believe that it’s worth all the hype. 

What is the Enneagram?

This personality test is a nine-sided diagram that is used to help individuals identify the why behind their personality patterns. Everyone will resonate with one number more than the others. That number diagnosis becomes your reference sheet for life.


Photo courtsey of Progress/Perfection.

Your core desires, fears, and more.

This personality test dives deep into your core desires, core fears, relationship tendencies, childhood patterns, defense mechanisms and most importantly your opportunities for personal growth. “The Enneagram shows you the box you’re already in – and how to get out of it.” 

Photo courtsey of Progress/Perfection.

The power of the Enneagram

The power of this test is in its ability to transform your negative self-talk into personal empowerment. It is the internal GPS system that you have been waiting for. I can’t wait to see how this test transforms your personal and professional life! 

For more information about the Enneagram or Progress/Perfection please visit us online. 

About your blogger

girl smiling in front of wall

Hello my name is Morgan Maxey! I am a recovering perfectionist, an Enneagram coach and the creator of the website progress/perfection. I help young women discover their core fears and desires so that they can reconnect with their authentic selves. Young women (15-25) experience an overwhelming amount of change and it is too easy to lose sight of who you are. For most these are the years where you will make some pretty big decisions about your future. Decisions in it of themselves are exceedingly difficult and are even more difficult when you don’t have a solid grasp on who you are.

I want to encourage you to accept my invitation to come as you are. Believe me, there is no better day to start investing in yourself than today.

So here it is, your personal invitation to start striving for something more sustainable than perfection – progress. By utilizing personal testimonies and the enneagram my hope is that you will be able to create and maintain the life that you’ve longed to live. The road of personal development is difficult however anything worth doing at all is difficult.